Not only was Hey Pharmacist created to make entering the digital future easier for everyone, it was also created as a safe space for you to manage your NHS repeat prescriptions. To ensure that your information is kept secure, we use NHS login to connect your Hey Pharmacist account to your NHS records and GP so that your information is kept safe and up to date at all times.
Please see the bottom of this page for FAQs regarding the switch to NHS login on October 1st.
What is NHS login?
NHS login refers to your personal login for It allows you to access your health records, as well a range of wellbeing services, and us, Hey Pharmacist, meaning you can manage your repeat prescriptions knowing that the NHS is keeping your records safe.
How does Hey Pharmacist use NHS login?
With NHS login, your order request is sent directly to your GP for approval so that the process is as smooth and secure as possible. Hey Pharmacist is connected to 99.5% of GPs across England, removing the faff of having to contact your GP yourself. (This way of ordering is also proven to save time and money for the NHS!)
Using your NHS login with Hey Pharmacist comes with the added benefits of notifying you on the status of your prescription. Alongside the standard notifications you receive with your NHS login, we at Hey Pharmacist have developed these notifications further to let you know when your prescription is ready to collect or out for delivery.
Using NHS login also means that your personal information is only kept between your GP, your pharmacist, and you.

How to set up NHS login
Did you know that over 28 million people now have an NHS login? If you don’t have an NHS login, you can set one-up in around 30 minutes. Setting up your NHS login is quite straight forward but having your driving licence or passport at hand will help. With your NHS login providing you access to your private health records, you’ll need to prove your identity to protect your information – don’t worry, you’ll only have to do this once.
Proving your identity includes:
- Verifying your email and phone number
- Entering your NHS number, date of birth, and your registered GP postcode
- Photo identification using a form of ID, and a face scan OR a video saying/signing/writing 4 numbers shown to you
You can use the Hey Pharmacist app to register for your NHS login by selecting the register button on the home screen, then going on to click the “register with NHS login” blue button. Learn more about setting up your NHS login here.
How to link NHS login with Hey Pharmacist
If you already have an NHS login, entering your email will take you to the “We found your NHS login” screen, click continue to enter your password, clicking continue again will send you an NHS security code via text. Entering this code correctly will automatically redirect you back to the Hey Pharmacist app, showing you your Hey Pharmacist profile.
If you don’t have an NHS login, entering your email will take you to the “Set up a new NHS login” screen. By clicking continue, you will be required to create a password, make sure it is secure! Upon clicking continue, follow the steps to set up your NHS login (see “How to set up NHS login”). Once created, you’ll be redirected back to the Hey Pharmacist app, logged in and ready to request your first medication directly to your GP.
You’ll also be sent an email from welcoming you to the service and confirming that your Hey Pharmacist account has been successfully created.
Click here if you need further help setting up your NHS login.
Do I need an NHS login for Hey Pharmacist?
To register with Hey Pharmacist, you need to have an NHS login as it is the most secure and efficient way to manage your NHS repeat prescriptions. It also means that your GP is kept up to date without you needing to contact them – saving you both valuable time!
Registering with Hey Pharmacist using NHS login is just one of the ways that Hey Pharmacist is the app of choice to order and manage your NHS repeat prescriptions safely and securely. Sign up now to make repeat prescriptions simple!
As always, our Patient Experience Team are ready to help you with any queries. You can contact them by tapping the 'help' button in the app, the messenger icon on the web or by emailing
Changes to your Hey Pharmacist login FAQs
The primary user will need to login to Hey Pharmacist using the NHS login process. You should then be able to add Linked Profiles that allow you to order on behalf of your child like normal.
The primary user will need to login using NHS login process. You should then be able to add Linked Profiles that allow you to order on behalf of another patient like normal.
If you do not have appropriate ID verification to help with your NHS login, there are alternative routes that will allow you to set up NHS login.
Please see this guide via NHS for support:
You can still order to Rowlands Online Pharmacy through other patient ordering apps, such as the NHS App or Patient Access. Simply check that Rowlands Pharmacy Online is your nominated pharmacy within your chosen app.
No, you can continue to use Hey Pharmacist for your prescription order requirements, the only thing that will change is the way you log into the app moving forward. You will be prompted to use your NHS login details. Once you are logged in, your Hey Pharmacist journey will continue as normal.
If you've registered a child under 13 as the primary account, you'll have to:
- Obtain the child’s linkage keys from the GP
- Register themselves (adult) via NHS login to become the primary account
- Use the Hey Pharmacist app to add the child as a linked profile